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2023-06-15 12:41:58    出处:互联网


1、以5*13为例 不可以说 5 multiplies 13 只可以说 multiply 5 by 13. 而说"把这两个数字相乘"时,可以说: multiply the two numbers multiply1KK: []DJ: []vt.1. 乘,使相乘[(+by/together)]Four multiplied by five is twenty.五乘四得二十。

2、2. 使(成倍地)增加Such examples could be multiplied indefinitely.这样的例子不胜枚举。

3、3. 使繁殖Hot weather multiplied the bacteria in the food rapidly.炎热的天气使食品中的细菌迅速繁殖。

4、vi.1. 增加As we climbed up the mountain, the dangers and difficulties multiplied.我们越向山顶攀爬,危险和困难越是倍增。

5、2. 繁殖Rabbits multiply quickly.兔子繁殖很快。

6、3. 做乘法He learned to multiply at the age of five.他五岁学会做乘法。

7、multiply2KK: []DJ: []a.1. 多层的,多股的ad.1. 多样地;多重地以上结果由 Dr.eye译典通字典 提供1.multiply A by B/A and B (together)乘,乘以:Multiply 2 by 6 and you get 12. 2.成倍增加,迅速增加:Cigarette smoking multiplies the risk of cancer. 3.(使)繁殖,增殖:Rabbits multiply rapidly.multiply乘e.g.5 multiplied by 2 equals 10.增加, 变成几倍e.g.The number of Chinese people living in Australia multiplied in the last two decades.在近20年里,住在澳大利亚的中国人数增倍了。



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